At it again with another edition of Beer Church! Awesome beer with great friends!
Pours cloudy with golden hues with aromas of fruit and funk. This beer is highly carbonated with slight acidity and funk with a pleasant finish of apricot and oak.
Cloudy and straw colored with nice aromas of pine, citrus, and oak. Taste like what you think a Christmas tree would taste like… in beer form. Nice wheat backbone with pleasant dryness, subtlety tart with not much saltiness. Piney flavors from the spruce tips mix nicely with the hop profile where you can’t tell where one finishes and the other picks up.
Pours cloudy with a lot of cold break looking sediment lends us to believe that this took a while to get across the pond. Aromas of malt and bread with slight oxidation seems to prove our point. Medium bodied and slightly sweet, w/ notes of wet cardboard. Would LOVE to have tried this in its prime!
Clear, pale yellow color with a perfectly balanced bouquet of malt and hops. Flavor has a solid malt backbone w/ a assertive but balanced piney/citrusy hop bitterness.
Appearance is dark dark brown w/ slight reddish hues. Aroma is sweet, malty, and subtle spice. Flavors of sweet malt, burnt caramel, and raisin: with a medium body and high carbonation
Coal black appearance with intense aromas of sweet, roasted malts with smoke and coffee. Taste is assertively malt forward, with flavors of roasted coffee and bitter dark chocolate accompanied by a medium bodied finish
Pours so dark that you don’t know if it is really really dark brown or black; but has big aromas of roasted malts, chocolate, coffee, and vanilla bean. Medium to high-bodied with taste of roasted malts, bitter chocolate and pleasant vanilla finish.
Jet black in color with reddish brown head with beautiful notes of boozy bourbon and spicey chocolate. This full bodied beer has wonderful flavors of cinnamon, vanilla, bittersweet chocolate and roasted malts with a boozy Bourbon finish!
Pours black with a thin, reddish brown head and has aromas of booze and cherry cough syrup. This is a medium bodied stout with dominant flavors of roasted malts with slight tannic notes and a cherry-boozy finish
Check back in with us next time for more great beers at Beer Church!